Friday, May 8, 2009

Summer Jobs For Youth

For 40 years, the Suffolk County Department of Labor has run Summer Work Experience Programs. These programs give young people the chance to work and earn their own money.
Young people will be employed near their homes as clerical aides, day care workers, building maintenance workers, etc. in schools, governmental offices, camps and community organizations. For those who like to work outside, we have jobs as recreation workers and conservation workers.

Dates: July 6–August 21, 2009
Salary: $ 7.50/hr
Work Week: 25 hours

Youth ages 14 to 24
United States Citizen or Eligible Immigrants
Families receiving public assistance and/or food stamps
are automatically eligible for this program
Family Income May Not Exceed Certain Limits, For Information Click HERE

For further information, call the
Suffolk County Department of Labor at
(631) 853-6526


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