3,000 Veterans To Benefit From $7.5 Million In U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training Grants
Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis just announced 17 grants, totaling more than $7.5 million dollars, to provide approximately 3,000 veterans with job training to help them succeed in civilian careers. The grants are being awarded under the U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Workforce Investment Program (VWIP). Emphasis will be placed on training veterans who are interested in "green jobs" now in the marketplace or expected soon. Fields of employment include energy efficiency and renewable energy, modern electric-power development and clean vehicles. To view more information about this initiative, visit http://www.doleta.gov/ and look for the "green jobs" heading. Reserve a copy of this helpful book today, Best Careers For Veterans by Learning Express. Visit these websites to find information on job searching, resume help & job fairs: Vet Success, HireVetsFirst, MilitaryStars & Vet Central.
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