Monday, November 7, 2016

Barracks to Business: Translating Military Skills into Career Success

As a veteran, you have valuable skills and experience, but you may not know exactly how to translate them into the civilian workplace.  The Barracks to Business Workshop will help you effectively communicate the in-demand skills you've developed during your service, which include leadership, discipline, flexibility, organization and change management, to prospective employers.  This workshop will help you to craft a winning resume and interview like a pro.  All Veterans or those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces interested in careers at Northwell Health are encouraged to attend.  This seminar is FREE but you must preregister to attend.

Tuesday, November 15th
3:30-5:30 PM
St. Joseph's College
Veterans Resource Center, Room 1
Go to to preregister.

Wednesday, November 16th
1:00-4:00 PM
Stony Brook University
Student Activity Center (SAC) Room 304
Go to to preregister.


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