Wednesday, November 23, 2016

December HPL Career Program

The Awesome Power of  Publicity for Small Business Owners (HMA291)
Thursday, December 1st 7-8:30 PM
Main Meeting Room
Registration Required; Open to All
Many business owners fail to appreciate the value of publicity, in terms of increased sales and expanded market share, until it is too late.  Publicity puts someone else's "stamp of approval" on you and/or your business.  Publicity cannot be bought; it only comes as the result of much effort (and very little monetary investment) on your part. Participants leave this seminar knowing how to write a press release, assemble a professional-quality media kit, and work the media.  They have confidence in their ability to attract - and to keep - the media spotlight. Please call (631) 427-5165 ext. 251 to register.


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